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What is Hormonal Implant?


The hormonal implant is a long-term, very practical and worldwide trend contraceptive method.


With an efficacy greater than 99% for 3 years, it releases synthetic progesterone continuously, making the ovarian block (just as oral contraceptives do) and changing the intrauterine function, with thinning of the endometrium (the layer that peels off during menstruation). In this way, the woman is not menstruating (in 80% of the cases) or with little escape, an effect similar to the hormonal IUD, even with a significant improvement in PMS.

The flexible plastic stick of about 4 cm is placed superficially under the skin, on the inner side of the arm. Insertion is quick and done in the office, after application of local anesthesia.

implante hormonal implanon sp

Each woman deals with doubts and expectations, with problems and overcoming, which deserve all the care and consideration. It makes all the difference to have a doctor who respects that individuality.

Is Hormonal Implant the best contraceptive method for you?


The Hormonal Implant is indicated for women who do not wish to be attached to the daily pill-taking routine, for patients with contraindications to synthetic estrogen (present in combined pills, which can be the villain for increasing cholesterol, thrombosis, migraines) and for women who breastfeed. It is also indicated as an adjunct treatment in cases of abundant flow and mild endometriosis.

Talk to the gynecologist and make an assessment. It is necessary for the doctor to do tests to assess whether the woman is able to receive it.

Ask all your questions in a clinical evaluation and orientation consultation.

Take all your doubts in a clinical evaluation and orientation consultation.


Dr. Carolina Buck is specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine.

Performs comprehensive prenatal care, in-office ultrasounds and humanized deliveries.

Private Consultation/Refund.

We accept credit cards with installments, except for teleconsultations.

We guide the refund process.

dra Carolina buck
Marcello Rocco Sakae



Specialist and Master in Gynecology and Obstetrics from the Faculty of Medicine of Santa Casa de São Paulo

Focus of activity: Endometriosis, minimally invasive surgery and human reproduction - In-vitro fertilization (IVF), Fertility preservation (egg freezing) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

dra Carolina buck


CRM 183.509 | RQE 88826


Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Catanduva - SP (FAMECA)

Doctor with specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine

Focus of activity: comprehensive monitoring in gynecological consultations, with IUD placement and hormonal implants, prenatal care, ultrasound and humanized birth

clinica Marcello Rocco


CRM 121.397

Doctor graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Petrópolis

Specialization in Anesthesiology from Santa Casa de São Paulo

Pain Specialization

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Surgical instrumentator, with 15 years of experience in videolaparoscopy

Graduated from the National Institute of Continuing Education

Member of the National Association of Surgical Instrumentalists

A cozy space divided into a large reception and consulting room, with a beautiful view of the Pacaembu valley.


Marcello Rocco Clinic
Apinajés Street, 1100 cj 905

Perdizes - São Paulo | SP | Brazil


Telephone service from 8am to 8pm

  • Private Consultation / Refund


  • We guide the refund process

Private appointment only

+ 55 11 3862-1815

+55 11 97086-3120

  • Instagram Marcello Rocco
  • Youtube
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  • Whatsapp Marcello Rocco

Women's Routine

First menstruation

Vaginal discharge

Urinary infection

In-office IUD placement

Hormone implant

Climacteric and menopause

Pap smear

Prenatal and Childbirth


Proper birth

Twin pregnancy

High-risk pregnancy

Human Reproduction

Female Infertility

Egg Freezing

When there are problems




Uterine polyps

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Privacy Policy

© by Consutti for Marcello Rocco


We have doctors who are specialists in their areas of expertise, with excellent training in the best medical schools in São Paulo, who have in common love and extreme dedication to the profession, ensuring that patients can find ideal reception, problem solving and can maintain long-term relationships with their doctors.

They work in the main hospitals and maternity wards in São Paulo-SP: Hospital Albert Einstein, Sírio Libanês, Samaritano, Oswaldo Cruz, São Camilo, Pró-Matre, Santa Joana and São Luis.

Their conduct is guided by medical foundations consolidated through years of experience and deep dedication.



CRM 117.186 | RQE 36.896 | Technical manager


Medical care in Portuguese, English and Spanish

More than 15 years of experience

Doctor-surgeon graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Santa Casa de São PauloMedical Residency in Gynecology and Obstetrics at Santa Casa de São Paulo
Specialization in Endometriosis and Gynecological Endoscopy

Specialization in Gynecological and Obstetric Ultrasound

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