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geração de mulheres




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We offer

medical attention for

Comprehensive Women's Health


Each woman has her own time. Her own universe. Her own story.

Throughout life, every woman deals with doubts and expectations, with problems and overcomings, which deserve all the care and consideration. Therefore, having a doctor who respects this individuality makes all the difference. We know that there is a time to speak and a time to listen, as well as a time to wait and to act!


These are the medical foundations that guide our conduct and allow us to do our job well: guiding women clearly and precisely and truly helping them with all the challenges in their lives.


We do this out of respect for the life that is in our hands, in the certainty that every detail is important. We do this out of respect for the deep knowledge we have, which leads us to do exactly what needs to be done.

Because with respect you do better!

rotina da mulher
pré-natal e parto

Care and attention at this delicate and sensitive stage of life, guiding and respecting the patient’s decisions:

Prenatal >>
Proper birth >>
Twin pregnancy >>
High risk pregnancy >>

Mulher grávida Apreciando seu bebida
quando há problemas
Mulher em dor

In-depth investigation of symptoms, definition of the correct diagnosis and indication of the best clinical or surgical treatment

Endometriosis >>
Ademonosis >>
Fibroids >>
Uterine polyps >>
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - Endocrine Gynecology >>
Other gynecological problems
Pain, cramps, discomfort, bleeding
Difficulty getting pregnant

Performing Minimally Invasive Surgeries, by Videolaparoscopy, Hysteroscopy or Robotics​
Fetal Medicine

We help our patients overcome obstacles to pregnancy and realize their dream of becoming a mother, whatever moment they make this decision.

I want to get pregnant but I can't >>
I want to get pregnant after age 35 >>

congelamento de ovulos
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A mulher lida com dúvidas e expectativas, com problemas e superações,

que merecem todo cuidado e consideração. Faz toda diferença contar 

com um médico que respeite essa individualidade,

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